June 2024 news

Our speaker for our meeting on Monday, 10th June is Neil Sheldon who will give a talk on the life and achievements of Alan Turing. Most notably, Alan Turing was one of the founders of computer science and played a major part in code-breaking during World War Two.  He also made lesser-known contributions to statistics, … Read more

April 2024 news

The speaker at our next meeting on Monday 13th May will be George Pilkington.  The title of his talk will be “Birds n Bees”, an illustrated nature talk covering the courtship behaviour of birds and bees in our gardens, along with a few others.  This talk replaces that on Ten Thousand Years of Bling by … Read more

March 2024 news

The invited speaker for our next meeting on Monday 8th April will be George King, Emeritus Professor of Physics at Manchester University. Professor King’s research activities centred around the study of atoms and molecules using synchrotron radiation and electron impact excitation.  He has had more than 200 papers published on this subject, and still teaches … Read more

March 2024 news

The speaker at our next meeting on Monday 11th March is Peter Webb who will be giving a talk on “Earthquakes”.  Not a common occurrence on our doorstep. An intriguing subject nevertheless.  Why and where do they happen?  How are they measured? Peter is an ever popular speaker at the Club, having given previous talks on … Read more

January 2024 news

The talk at our next meeting on Monday 12th February will be titled “Water – the Elixir of Life” by Keith Stevens. Keith, a physicist with a career mostly in energy and power generation, has given several talks previously – most recently “From Flint to Fusion” and “Covid 19 – Did we shoot ourselves in … Read more

December 2023 news

The speaker at our meeting on the 8th January is Karen Castle who will give a talk entitled “How I Ended Up in Prison”. Karen began her career by training as a nurse in Cheshire and working in various wards in the NHS.  Following a tough recruitment and selection process in the 1980’s, including numerous … Read more

September 2023 news

There is to be a change to the scheduled talk to be presented at our next meeting and AGM on Monday 9th October. The speaker will now be Stephen Shakeshaft, who is a registered Chester City Tour Guide.  Stephen will present “A Guide to Chester” supported by a lively and informative slide show designed to … Read more

September 2023 news

The story of Man’s insatiable quest for energy is at the heart a talk, “From Flint to Fusion”, to be given by Keith Stevens at our next meeting on Monday, 11th September. Can we ever slow our demand?  When is renewable energy not renewable?  Locally, Congleton Hydro has made a small contribution to generation of … Read more

August 2023 news

There is a late change of speaker for our next meeting on Monday 14th August . Unfortunately, Shaun Farrelly has had to withdraw, but Chris Caroe has agreed to stand in at short notice. Chris will give a talk entitled “Galtieri – my part in his downfall” General Leopoldo Galtieri was the military dictator and … Read more

July 2023 news

The speaker at our meeting on Monday, 10th July will be Gary Conley, whose talk is entitled, “Eye up! t’ pies ‘a come”.  Gary was a miner for 19 years at Sutton Manor Colliery, St Helens, before getting made redundant with the closure of the colliery in 1991, and performed in  Northern Workingmen’s clubs during the … Read more